Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Kulah are extreemly endangered and notoriously ill tempered.  Our guide said you could try and domesticate them only if you enjoyed beeing kicked and bitten ALL THE TIME!  They are not fond of humans.

Indian Blackbuck are so named because the breeding male's coat turns black.  This male has been "fixed" so his coat has stayed tan. 

Impala-- one of my favorite animals!

These asian Water Buffalo have the right idea-- it was 98 degrees that day!


  1. I keep syaing this, but what a fabulous place and what a wonderful experience! I would love to do that. I laughed at the expression on the water buffalo's face...he looks blissed out.

  2. Wow, amazing shots. I LOVE the second one with the Indian Blackbucks. The composition, the scenery and the incredible animals itself make a great photo. I love his curly horns too! 98 degrees sounds too hot though!

  3. The kulah are awfully cute to be so mean! They remind me of tan burros. Great captures :)

  4. I was amazed at the number of animals that were out during our Safari Tour at Disney this year - with 98+ temperatures. The big cats were snoozing - but everyone else was out and accounted for.

  5. Oh me, me, me! Sign me up for a Kulah! Wait...bitten ALL THE TIME?!?!? Never mind.

    :-) :-) :-)

  6. Great shots - makes me want to go to the zoo! :)
