Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The gorilla's were all hiding except for this guy.  He totally stared me down!  Their hands are amazingly big!

And now for one of my favorite animals-- Meercats.  I could watch them all day.  They are just a funny animal to watch. They sure didn't like the hawk that was up in the sky!


  1. I love the meercats!! Such cute animals!

  2. That group of 3 doing the same thing is hilarious. Oh, and that gorilla staring you down would give me the heebie-geebies.

  3. Wow, those meerkats are so cute! That gorilla is a bit grumpy looking

  4. The gorilla was just probably figuring out a nice photo of you, and the perfect composition! Do you like Meercat Manor? Nice shots!

  5. Those meercats are so cute! Gorillas are huge and they kind of scare me. You got some great shots of them!

  6. Those gorillas have so much emotion in their eyes! They give me the chills!!

  7. I've been a fan of meercats since "The Lion King." Nice shots!

  8. the meercats are too cute!! Love the shot of the three of them!! and that gorilla's stare is kinda scary!!

  9. I love the gorillas--we have gorilla and orang exhibits at our zoo here, and they are my favs. Your guy looks very regal. LOVE the 3 meercats!! The fact that they are mirroring each other's body posture is priceless.

  10. they are on high alert and it made a great shot :)

  11. Those are fantastic captures! Wow that gorilla sure was starring you down! I love the meercats to!
