Thursday, October 22, 2009

Guess who came back to visit?  The cute little buck.  He came back to clean out the birdseed in the bird feeder.  It was so funny, he was trying to eat fast and he kept getting seeds up his nose, so he would stop and sneeze. He doesn't care that I'm right in front of him on the other side of the window.


  1. We have a herd of deer in the golf course that frankly don't give a hoot if you pretty much walk up to them. They assume that all flowers have been planted for their consumption and will stare you down during walks. I've never thought about them eating from the feeder - might explain why there is never any food in the one (large) feeder!

  2. Oh wow you were soo close! Very cool shots!

  3. These are wonderful! I didn't know deer would eat bird seed! Must be hungry. . . . .
